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Licensing of activities in the field of telecommunications is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan on licensing.

The licensing authority in the field of telecommunications is the Ministry for the Development of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Licensing of legal entities in the field of telecommunications is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On licensing, permitting and notification procedures”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated February 21, 2022 №80 “On approval of a unified regulation on the procedure for licensing certain types of activities through a special electronic system”.

Submission of applications for obtaining a license by applicants:

Applications for obtaining licenses, as well as attached documents, can be accepted through the Unified Portal of Interactive Public Services and the information system "License".

Acceptance of applications for obtaining licenses by type of activity in the field of telecommunications, organization of meetings of an expert group on licensing issues, as well as registration of licenses is carried out by the Department of Licensing and Analysis of the Execution of License Agreements of the Ministry for the Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Types of licensed activities in the field of telecommunications:

In the field of telecommunications, activities for the design, construction, operation and provision of services of telecommunications networks are licensed:

a) design of local, intercity and international telecommunications networks;

b) construction of local, long-distance and international telecommunications networks;

c) operation of local and long-distance telecommunications networks;

d) provision of services of local and long-distance telecommunications networks;

e) operation of international telecommunications networks;

f) provision of services of international telecommunications networks;

g) design of mobile radiotelephone (cellular) communication networks;

h) construction of mobile radiotelephone (cellular) networks;

i) design of mobile radiotelephone (radiotelephone, trunk) communication networks;

j) construction of mobile radiotelephone (radiotelephone, trunk) communication networks;

k) operation of mobile radiotelephone (radiotelephone, trunk) communication networks;

l) provision of services of networks of mobile radiotelephone (radiotelephone, trunk) communication;

m) operation and provision of services of mobile radiotelephone (cellular) communication networks;

n) design of data transmission networks;

o) construction of data transmission networks;

p) operation of data transmission networks;

q) provision of data transmission network services;

r) designing distribution networks (broadcasting) of television and radio programs;

s) construction of networks for distribution (broadcasting) of television and radio programs;

t) operation of networks for distribution (broadcasting) of television and radio programs;

u) provision of services of distribution networks (broadcasting) of television and radio programs.

In the field of telecommunications, licensed activities can be carried out exclusively by legal entities.

License expiration dates:

In the field of telecommunications, licenses are issued for the following terms:

Validity of the license for the operation and provision of services for networks of distribution (broadcasting) of television and radio programs - 5 years;

Validity of the license for the operation and provision of services for networks of mobile radiotelephone (cellular) communications - 15 years;

Licenses for other licensed activities are issued for an unlimited period.

Issuance of licenses, extension of the validity period and introduction of changes to the design, construction, operation and provision of services of data transmission networks and networks for the distribution of television and radio programs is carried out on the basis of a decision of the Interdepartmental Coordination Commission on improving and increasing the efficiency of information activities and data transmission of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

In accordance with the "Regulations on the procedure for the competitive distribution of radio frequencies and the issuance of individual licenses for the right to carry out activities in the field of television and radio broadcasting", approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 20, 2004 No. 592 "On measures to ensure the effective use of the radio frequency spectrum in the field of television and radio broadcasting" distribution radio frequencies and the issuance of individual licenses for the right to carry out activities for the distribution (broadcasting) of television and radio programs is carried out on a competitive basis (with the exception of enterprises whose main activity is the formation and distribution (broadcasting) of state television and radio programs, or in the authorized capital of which the state share of ownership is at least 50 percent).

The decision to hold a competition is made by the Interdepartmental Coordinating Commission for Improving and Increasing the Efficiency of Information Activities and Data Transfer (hereinafter referred to as the Commission) based on the proposal of the Ministry for the Digital Technologies of the Republic of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

To participate in the competition, the license applicant submits an application to the Commission, to which the following documents are attached:

a) a document confirming that the license applicant paid the fee for consideration of tender proposals;

b) a document confirming the deposit made by the license applicant;

c) documents (diplomas, certificates, certificates) confirming the qualifications of employees directly related to the process of providing services for the distribution of television and radio programs;

d) a detailed concept of broadcasting, including creative, technical and financial proposals, as well as the planned broadcasting schedule of television and radio programs, broadcasting volumes of own programs and competitive obligations;

e) the conclusion of the relevant authorities on the compliance of TV and radio broadcasting facilities with the requirements of measures to protect the facility;

f) documents confirming the right to use equipment intended for the organization of television and radio broadcasting, if it belongs to another person (lease agreement, etc.).

List of documents submitted for obtaining a license:

a) application (the application shall indicate the name and legal form, its postal address, place of business, name of the bank institution and bank account numbers in the bank institution, telephone number, TIN, e-mail address, type of required license, its subtype, obtaining new license, re-issuance, change, extension of the validity period, as well as the consent of the license applicant to comply with license requirements and conditions);

b) a list of the main technical means of telecommunications (available on the basis of ownership or other legal grounds) indicating their characteristics, ranges and ratings of radio frequencies (when used) - to obtain a license for the operation and (or) provision of services of telecommunications networks;

c) a list of technical means (available on the basis of property rights or other legal grounds) necessary for carrying out design, construction work - to obtain a license for the design and (or) construction of telecommunications networks;

d) in order to obtain a license for the operation and / or provision of services for television and radio distribution networks - an organization plan and a forecast for the development of the network, other necessary information depending on the work performed in the prescribed form (the number of subscribers, ports of long-distance, international stations, systems and data transmission networks, coverage areas and other parameters for specific networks or telecommunications facilities);

e) in order to obtain a license for the provision of services of networks for the distribution (broadcast) of television and radio programs, the concept of broadcasting;

f) in order to obtain a license to operate and / or provide services for networks of distribution (broadcast) of television and radio programs, the conclusion of the relevant authorities on the compliance with the requirements of measures to protect the object or a copy of the contract for the protection of the object;

g) the conclusion of the authorities for the use and control of radio frequencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the possibility of using frequency assignments, data on the characteristics, power and properties of transmitting devices when obtaining a license for activities related to the use of radio communications;

h) in the case of the intended use of equipment belonging to another person, a document confirming the lease (use) of this equipment shall be submitted;

i) when obtaining the right to distribute foreign television and radio products, a document (agreement) is submitted on the consent of the foreign mass media (or the right holder) to distribute television and radio products.

For consideration of an application for obtaining a license, a fee in the amount of one basic calculated value is paid.

Deadlines for consideration of an application for a license:

The decision to issue or refuse to issue a license is made by the licensing authority within 10 working days.

In cases where it is necessary to agree with the Interdepartmental Coordination Commission on improving and increasing the efficiency of information activities and data transfer within 25 working days.

Licensing requirements and conditions that must be met when carrying out licensed activities:

A license is issued separately for each licensed type of activity:

a) compliance by the licensee with legislation in the field of telecommunications;

b) ensuring certification of technical means of telecommunications in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

c) ensuring the established quality standards for the services provided;

d) the conditions and procedure for organizing interconnections, providing access to other operators and providers to their network, as well as mutual settlements between them;

e) the name of the technical protocols and specifications of interconnections, the network numbering plan, the operational characteristics of telecommunications facilities;

f) compliance with special requirements for ensuring the operation of telecommunications in the interests of the security and defense of the state, law enforcement agencies and during particularly important social and political events;

g) communicating to the clientele the conditions for the provision of services, tariffs and reference information, including through the media, as well as on the official website of the licensing authority;

h) ensuring the secrecy of telephone conversations, telegraph and other messages transmitted over telecommunications networks, information security, including the security and protection of telecommunications facilities and structures;

i) preparation and operation of telecommunications networks in emergency situations, as well as installation and operation of equipment for carrying out operational-search activities;

j) participation of the licensee in the implementation of national programs for the development of telecommunications to solve national problems;

j) compliance with the protection of the environment and human health, safety and labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation;

k) provision of information on the licensed activity to the licensing and controlling body;

l) provision of benefits and advantages when using telecommunications services in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

m) passing the state registration (re-registration) as a mass media in the authorized body;

n) the presence in the staff of a legal entity of at least three specialists with a higher technical education with at least five years of experience in the design and construction of telecommunications networks - to obtain a license for the design and (or) construction of telecommunications networks;

o) comply with the requirements of legislation in the field of copyright and related rights when distributing television and radio products and content via the Internet.

Additional license requirements and individual license terms:

p) mandatory provision of services for consumers in rural areas, sparsely populated and hard-to-reach areas;

c) ensuring the provision of universal services at fixed rates, including in rural areas, sparsely populated and hard-to-reach areas;

r) providing access to the public telecommunications network on a fair and non-discriminatory basis;

s) forecast of the plan for the development of a public telecommunications network (development of the coverage area, increase in transmitter power, number of subscribers, etc.).

t) when issuing a license for the provision of services of distribution networks (broadcasting) of television and radio programs, to carry out activities in a certain coverage area, to go on the air in fixed frequency ratings;

u) when providing services of distribution networks (broadcasting) of television and radio programs and data transmission networks, comply with the requirements for information security and the requirements for regulation in the field of mass media.

Sizes of the state fee for licensing activities in the field of telecommunications:

a) design of local, long-distance and international telecommunications networks - 15 times the size of the BRF;

b) construction of local, long-distance and international telecommunications networks - 15 times the size of the BRF;

c) operation of local and long-distance telecommunications networks - 30 times the size of the BRF;

d) provision of services of local and long-distance telecommunications networks - 30 times the size of the BRF;

e) operation of international telecommunications networks - 500 times the size of the BRF;

f) provision of services of international telecommunications networks - 800 times the size of the BRF;

g) design of networks of mobile radiotelephone (cellular) communication - 200 times the size of the BRF;

h) construction of networks of mobile radiotelephone (cellular) communications - 400 times the size of the BRF;

i) design of networks of radiotelephone, trunk communication - 10 times the size of the BRF;

j) construction of radiotelephone and trunk communication networks - 20 times the size of the BRF;

j) operation of networks of radiotelephone, trunk communication - 30 times the size of the BRF;

k) provision of services of radiotelephone, trunk communication networks - 80 times the size of the BRF;

l) operation and provision of services of networks of mobile radiotelephone (cellular) communications 140,000 times the size of the BRF;

m) design of data transmission networks - 2 times the size of the RFB;

o) construction of data transmission networks - 4 times the size of the RFB;

o) operation of data transmission networks - 6 times the size of the BRF;

p) provision of data transmission network services by operators and providers - 30 times the size of the BRF;

c) designing networks for distribution (broadcasting) of television and radio programs - 20 times the size of the BRF;

r) construction of networks for distribution (broadcasting) of television and radio programs - 20 times the size of the RFG;

s) operation of distribution networks (broadcasting) of television and radio programs - 150 times the size of the BRF;

t) provision of services of networks for distribution (broadcasting) of television and radio programs - 150 times the size of the RFB.

The amount of the state fee is established on the basis of one year, a multiple of the size of the base settlement amount established on the date of payment of the state fee. The state fee is paid annually in the prescribed amount.

The next annual payment is paid no later than 30 days before the start of the next year of using the license, in case of failure to pay the next payment within the established period, the license is suspended.

Obtaining a license in the field of telecommunications is not required in the following cases (actions):

if the total number of pay TV subscribers does not exceed 10;

cable television broadcasting network and wired radio broadcasting network are limited to the premises and territory of one institution, educational institution or industrial enterprise;

a legal entity or natural person provides local, long-distance communication services, as well as provides international telephone conversation services (payphone communication services) and sends (and receives) information by fax at public service facilities and along highways from telephone numbers allocated by local network operators;

activities are related to the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, epidemics, major accidents that endanger the life and health of the population and require rescue and emergency recovery operations, as well as the creation and operation of telecommunications networks intended for use solely for the purposes of public administration, defense, security and law enforcement;

when providing services for the main activity, telecommunications networks (local, radiotelephone, data transmission) are used only for their own production and technological purposes without providing services for this type of activity to third parties and / or for signal delivery;


when providing Internet access services, without creating your own network through the networks of data transmission operators (Internet cafes).

The license applicant/licensee, in accordance with the established procedure, may file a complaint:

according to decisions and documents of the licensing authority;

on actions (inaction) of officials of the licensing authority;

The license applicant/licensee submits a complaint:

in relation to the licensing authority of the territorial level to its higher authority;

in relation to the licensing authority of the republican level to the Board of Appeal for the consideration of complaints, organized in this department.

The license applicant/licensee has the right to complain directly to the court about the decision of the licensing authority and the actions (inaction) of officials.

In accordance with the law, a complaint may be filed with other authorized bodies.

The composition of the Expert Group on Licensing of the Ministry for the Digital Technologies of the Republic of the Republic of Uzbekistan. (in Uzbek)

Composition of the Board of Appeal for consideration of complaints on decisions of the Expert Group on Licensing of the Ministry for the Digital Technologies of the Republic of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the issuance or refusal to issue licenses.

Licensing scheme in the field of telecommunications through the information system "License" or through the Unified Portal of Interactive Public Services.

Register of licenses

Form documents


Information for contacting the Division of licensing and regulation of the use of radio frequency spectrum the Ministry for the Digital Technologies of the Republic of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

Address: 4, Ibrokhim Mominov street, Mirzo-Ulugbek district, Tashkent.

Tel.: (+998) 71 238-43-50, 238-43-51




Latest update: 2023-09-27 13:53:56