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History of the ministry

Information on the organization and reorganization of the Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan

1. Based on the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on December 28, 1954, “the Ministry of Communications of the UzSSR” was established on January 8, 1955, by Resolution No. 1795 of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Uzbek SSR.

The Ministry of Communications of the Uzbek SSR included enterprises, organizations, and institutions based on the list of the Council of Ministers of the Uzbek SSR.

2. Further improvement of the management of postal communications, information systems, and telecommunications, the development of market relations, the state ownership of the "Ministry of Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was abolished and the "Uzbekistan Agency for Posts and Telecommunications" was created on its basis in order to deepen the process of utilization and attract foreign investment in this region.

3. In accordance with Decree No. 3080 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on "Further Development of Computerization and Information-Communication Technologies" dated May 30, 2002, the Uzbek Post and Telecommunications Agency was reorganized into the Uzbek Agency for Communications and Informatization, with the following main tasks:

  • Development and implementation of strategic directions in the field of local, urban, and international telephone-telegraph and postal communications, media dissemination, and information networks, including the Internet, radio communication, broadcasting, and television networks.
  • Development and modernization of information systems, telecommunications, and information dissemination networks, as well as creating conditions for attracting foreign investments.
  • Transformation of the Tashkent Electrotechnical Institute of Communications into the Tashkent University of Information Technologies.

4. According to Decree No. 4475 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on October 16, 2012, the “Uzbek Agency for Communications and Informatization” was reorganized into the “State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Communications, Informatization, and Telecommunication Technologies”    

5. In order to further improvement of the public administration system, accelerated introduction of modern information technologies and communications, electronic government systems and information systems, telecommunications infrastructure, data transmission networks in industries and industries of the country's economy and according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated No. 4702 dated February 4, 2015 the "Ministry for the Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was created on the basis of the "State Committee for Communications, Informatization and Telecommunication Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan"

6. In accordance with Decree No. 269 dated December 21, 2022, the  was the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan was reorganized into the “Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan”.