Administration of radio spectrum
In accordance with the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Improvement of the management and use of the radio spectrum" State Commission for Radio Frequencies of the Republic of Uzbekistan transformed into a National Council for Radio Frequencies. The main tasks and activities of the National Council for Radio Frequencies are defined:
- Realization of state policy in the field of efficient use of radio frequency resource of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the priorities of social and economic development of the country;
- Development and implementation of the concept of allocation and use of radio spectrum, the formation of the national table of frequency allocation, organization of scientific and technological research in the field of use of the radio spectrum;
- International cooperation in the use of the radio spectrum, to protect the national interests of the Republic of Uzbekistan in international organizations in planning, purpose of use of radio frequencies;
- Organization of monitoring of compliance with radio-frequency spectrum, the development and adoption of comprehensive system of measures aimed at protecting the rights and legitimate interests of users of the radio spectrum;
- The study of foreign experience in the use of modern technologies in the field of management and use of the radio frequency spectrum, creation and development of a unified management system in this area;
- Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of users of the radio spectrum.
It was found that the decisions of the National Council for Radio Frequencies, adopted within its powers are binding on the authorities of the state and economic management, public authorities in the field, as well as the users of the radio spectrum.
The decision approves the composition and position of the National Council for Radio Frequencies. The working body of the National Council for Radio Frequencies is the Ministry for digital technologies. In a department of the Ministry of spectrum management for organizational and technical support activities of the National Council for Radio Frequencies.
Decisions of the National Council for Radio Frequencies
Table of Frequency Allocations of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Decisions of the Republican Council on Radio Frequencies of a General Nature
Obtaining a decision from the republican radio frequency council on the possibility of using radio electronic equipment and high-frequency devices, as well as allocation of radio frequency bands (channels) within the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The contact details of the Department of Regulation of Frequency Spectrum
Phone: 71 238-41-78, 71 238-41-79, 71 238-41-28. E-mail:,