In Karaulbazar district the Cultural Center has been updated
2024-08-23 11:10:00 / News

In particular, during the expanded meeting of the Republican Council of spirituality and enlightenment, held on December 22, 2023 under the leadership of the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev, it was entrusted with specific tasks to establish the activities of cultural centers in each city and District of our country with a concert hall, library, film and various circle rooms.
From this point of view, on the same day, the center of the Guard District of the kenja District of the region, the Cultural Center No. 45 of Gia, was reorganized as an exemplary cultural center.
It should be noted that this structure, built in 1986, has become morally outdated and its material and technical capabilities have also become more affordable. On the basis of the initiative budget project, repairs were carried out here by The Architect Complex LLC. As a result, in the center of Culture, All the necessary conditions were developed for the comprehensive development of our rich cultural heritage, high spirituality, folk traditions and traditions, and the improvement of the quality and level of life of our people. Another notable aspect was the installation of 50 solar panels with a capacity of 25 kWh on the roof of the structure. This will save 50 percent electricity.
In particular, a library, a room for spirituality, as well as Fine Arts and painting, singing, circle, dance and bakhshiqi circles, a modern recording studio were organized in it. Facilities were also provided for the creative activities of the singing Dance Ensemble” Sardoba “and the folkloric ethnographic community” Desert sabolari". The renovated 350-seat performance hall, on the other hand, offers cultural and Educational Activities, Concert programs, and theatrical performances to improve the quality of the performance. Almost 400 million was spent on the repair work.
Now the newly established center regularly hosts folk art and performance art, competitions and festivals, and works to identify, encourage and promote the achievements of talented young people.
In our region, the opening ceremony of the cultural center was organized within the framework of the “spirituality festival”, which is held on the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of the independence of our country.
It was attended by people's artists of Uzbekistan Tesha Moshimov and Mansur Toshmatov, head of the Department of the Union of writers of Uzbekistan, poet Farogat Khudoykulova, theater and film actor Sobir Otajonov, singer of the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan Sardor Bekmurodov, responsible of the district municipality, cultural workers and representatives of the general public.
Those who spoke at the event noted that the Cultural Center serves not only cultural recreation of the population of the region, but also to make the leisure of young people meaningful.
After that, the symbolic ribbon was cut off, and those who gathered at the ceremony were closely acquainted with the activities of the Cultural Center, the conditions created in it.
Press service of the Regional Municipality